GEOTUBE Geobags used in coastal erosion control and protection project
august 2024
In 2023, GEOTUBE Geobags were used to stabilize the eroding Brunei coastline, enhancing safety and sustainability.
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Robust geomembrane lining for ITY Gold Mine tailings storage facility
Endeavour Mining Corporation's ITY gold mine in Côte d'Ivoire, employing Solmax's GSE HD geomembrane, successfully completed its tailings storage facility project ahead of schedule.

Improving waste management with GSE
To meet the growing needs of a rapidly expanding resources industry, Pilbara Regional Waste Managment used GSE geomembranes at their new waste management facility.
Stabilizing embankments under challenging conditions with MIRAGRID
Exploring the Kuzmin-Sremska Raca project, a key infrastructure initiative aimed at enhancing Serbia-Bosnia connectivity through strategic construction.

Subgrade stabilization of a railway with MIRAFI HMi
Discover the Kayseri Boğazköprü project's transformative approach to railway subgrade stabilization using MIRAFI HMi for subgrade stabilization.

Building a parking lot over soft soils with MIRAFI HMi
The Lidl parking lot project in Teterow used MIRAFI HMi to address poor soil conditions, achieving enhanced structural integrity. Completed on time, the project set new benchmarks in geotechnical engineering.

Stabilizing unpaved access roads on a solar farm
The solar photovoltaic farm project near Almendralejo, Spain, optimized unpaved internal roads using geosynthetics to address low bearing capacity and challenging subgrade conditions. Despite unexpected rains, the use of MIRAFI HMi ensured stability and durability.
Urban water management improves water quality and wildlife
Ishøj Lake transformed using tube GEOTUBE dewatering to improve water quality and support wildlife.

Enhancing frac pond liner integrity with the GSE Leak Location Suite
The GSE Leak Location Suite, including the S-100 Spark Tester, was successfully implemented at a frac pond project in Laredo, Texas, ensuring leak-free installation and quick identification of punctures in the liner.

Coastal defence solution safeguards wind energy infrastructure
Innovative project connects wind farms to the grid, using a massive sand-based platform to prevent flooding and ensure energy transition.

Biogas cover turns palm oil waste into fuel in Malaysia
Cenergi transforms POME into renewable biogas in Malaysia, using GSE geomembranes. This project reduced GHG and the approach highlights innovation in waste recycling and contribution to renewable energy goals.
Enhancing coastal resilience at La Croisette Beach, Cannes
GEOTUBE systems played a crucial role in coastal protection for Cannes' iconic La Croisette beach, ensuring resilience and uninterrupted beachside experiences.
Beach enhancement at Marina of Portimão
The Marina of Portimão project, led by Solmax and Geosin, innovatively created a beach with reduced wave action, using underwater GEOTUBE systems, enhancing attractiveness and reducing maintenance costs.
Transforming a historic railway into a cycle path with MIRAGRID
Austria's Haager Lies became its first barrier-free cycle path, transforming a historical railway through strategic engineering and materials to boost the regional cycle network.

Impermeable heap leach pads for gold mine
In a West African gold mine, tailored geomembrane solutions improved environmental safety and resource recovery, adapting to specific site needs.

Meeting stringent CCR regulations with BENTOLINER
Xcel Energy successfully closed Sherco Pond No.1 and constructed Sherco Pond No.2 using BENTOLINER to meet stringent CCR regulations, ensuring minimal environmental impact and continuous service.

Contaminated water management at Europe's largest nickel mine
Europe’s largest nickel mine faced environmental challenges from water contamination due to rainfall, mining activities, and a tailings pond leak, requiring an innovative GEOTUBE technology solution.

Protection of the beach of Hotel Oceana Club in Moudania, Greece.
In Greece, a hotel enhanced its beach experience by installing submerged GEOTUBE breakwaters, reducing wave intensity and maintenance.

Sewage lagoon upgrade using geosynthetic clay liners
Discover how Conquest's sewage lagoon upgrade using a geosynthetic clay liner overcame groundwater challenges, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs.

Lining canals for mega Port Said aquaculture project
Egypt's mega aquaculture project in East Port Said completed phase two, using GSE HD geomembrane for water containment in a 20,000-acre fish and shrimp farm.
Conquering extreme conditions with a high-temperature liner solution
Saskatchewan's first new potash mine in 40 years features advanced GSE HDH liners in its brine ponds, overcoming extreme temperatures and chemical exposure.

GSE Leak Location Conductive liner 24 years later
At the Florence Copper mine in Arizona, a pond built in 1997 with GSE Leak Location liner, operated for 24 years. Initially underutilized, its expansion required inspection of the exposed geomembrane.

Anchorage regional landfill-expansion project
In 2020, Anchorage expanded its landfill with a new cell, installing a composite liner system that included BENTOLINER, GSE HD liner, and HDPE piping.
Safer roads with geosynthetic reinforced slopes
Due to increased traffic loadings and seepage problems, a section of the B115 highway in the mountains of Styria, Austria, was showing considerable distress and was in danger of failure.

Enhancing runway safety and longevity with MIRAGRID PGM-G at Pula airport
Airport runways must meet strict quality and safety standards. Cracks and uneven surfaces can create hazardous conditions for take-off and landing. The surface of Pula airport had deteriorated after many years of use.
Advanced asphalt interlayer solution for Prague airport's runway
Advanced asphalt interlayer solution for Prague airport's runway

Revitalizing road surfaces using MIRAGRID PGM 14 for asphalt cracking
In collaboration with our partner ESHA Infrasolutions, Solmax provided the perfect solution for the Dongeradeel community in the Netherlands.
Geotextile reinforcement provides stable road construction
Bad Wünnenberg is a town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, located on the river Aabach, approximately 20 km (12.4 mi) south of Paderborn.
Protecting Alpine resources from avalanches with geogrids
In Austria alone, approximately 8,000 avalanche corridors experience countless avalanches each year. With climate change exacerbating the situation, the threat of avalanches to inhabited areas is ever-present in the Alpine regions.

Making roads more durable with MIRAGRID PGM G
The A617 road in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, England, was rehabilitated using MIRAGRID, an asphalt interlayer system. This solution provided crack retardation, sealing, and stress absorption, enhancing road durability.

Drainage behind a concrete wall Mauritius Island
The Government of Mauritius, through the Road Development Authority, initiated the construction of the A1-M1 Link Road to create an effective and efficient road network that supports socio-economic development.

Expanding landfills safely with geosynthetics
Attica’s 66 municipalities and four million inhabitants depend on a single landfill – Fili. First established in 2003, the Fili landfill was expanded in 2006 and continues to grow.

Geomembranes protecting the environment at a stack pond in China
Phosphate mining is an important economic activity in the inland Chinese province of Hubei, which boasts large reserves of valuable phosphates.

Preventing potash waste contamination with Solmax geomembranes
K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH Werra plant, operates a tailings heap at their Hattorf site for depositing the residue produced during crude salt processing.

Geosynthetic lining system for potassium nitrate evaporation ponds
Solmax's innovative liners met client's requirements, protecting environment and communities from pollution and facilitating safe wastewater removal.

Protecting shorelines from erosion in Lake McConaughy, Nebraska
GEOTUBE TC1200MB units were selected to provide erosion control because they can be filled using on site materials, making them a more efficient solution than importing stone.

Containment for hazardous waste disposal at Jinchang City
Solmax was chosen to supply a high-grade, multi-layer solution comprised of 1.00 mm GSE HD and 2.00 mm GSE HD conductive geomembrane, each spanning an area of 25,700 m² (276,600 f²).

Lining a tailings facility on the roof of the world
Solmax geomembranes were used to line the tailings facilities of the recently expanded Yulong Copper Mine. The mine located in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, on one of the largest copper deposits in China, is important to the economy of the region.

Increasing wastewater treatment capacity to serve a growing town
The Municipality of Tweed is located in central-eastern Ontario. In 2019, the Municipality identified that the existing wastewater treatment system was nearing its rated capacity.

Quick installation in challenging geographies at Bornhausen landfill
Bornhausen Landfill is in Seesen, a town in the district of Goslar, in lower Saxony, Germany.