Environmental sustainability policy

Environmental sustainability policy

Solmax operates in an environmentally responsible manner with a strong commitment to having a positive impact upon environmental sustainability and climate change. We seek to continuously improve our environmental performance by applying, monitoring and updating our environmental objectives.

We recognize that geosynthetics are uniquely positioned as a low-carbon alternative construction material, which can lower the total environmental footprint of an environmental or civil infrastructure project by approximately 75% when compared to other construction materials ¹ .

As the world’s leading manufacturer of geosynthetics, we have an obligation to continuously deliver innovative solutions to our current and future customers that will enable them to protect the earth and the atmosphere and lower their overall environmental impact. In addition to operating in strict compliance with all relevant local, national, or international environmental regulations, we will strive to achieve the following environmental targets within our operations, namely:

  • A demonstrable annual reduction in total Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions* ²

  • A demonstrable annual reduction in Scope 3 GHG Emissions*

  • A demonstrable annual reduction in Waste sent to landfill, with the goal of Zero-Waste-to-Landfill*

  • Maximizing the use of recycled raw materials in our products, as permitted by regulation, product specifications and performance requirements and provided its use leads to a demonstrable reduced environmental impact over the total product life cycle.

* Specific reduction targets from baseline year will be established in Financial Year 2023.

Our products are engineered synthetic materials which have been stabilized to withstand harsh environments, including UV exposure, corrosion, and abrasion. Typically, our products are intended to be covered by soil or other materials and remain immobile and undisturbed in or on the ground, with service lives of more than 100 years. Whilst the vast majority of our products are designed and manufactured with the same intended service life of over 100 years, there are a small number of scenarios in which our products are used for short-term applications – particularly in environmental protection and containment. In these cases, our products are recyclable.

We commit to educating installers, engineers and customers on good installation, product usage and maintenance practices as well as sustainable end-of-life practices (if relevant) to ensure that our products have the minimal environmental impact across their total life cycle.

Solmax also commits to:

  • Integrating the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into our decision-making and activities.

  • Training, educating and informing our employees on environmental issues that may affect their work and on the potential impact that their work may have on the environment.

  • Assessing potential environmental risks in our operations on a continual basis, implementing appropriate mitigation measures and corrective action plans where necessary.

  • Promoting the efficient use of materials and resources throughout our operations including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources – particularly those which are non-renewable and/or are a source of high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Avoiding the unnecessary use of hazardous materials, products and processes, seeking less-hazardous substitutions when feasible, and taking all reasonable steps to protect human health and the environment when such materials must be used, stored and disposed of.

  • Reducing waste through reuse and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economically viable and suitable for the process or product.

  • Considering the environmental impact of our purchases by selecting, when feasible:

    • Products based on criteria including low toxicity or environmental hazard;

    • Global warming potential;

    • durability;

    • reduced energy or water consumption; reduced packaging and ability to be recycled, refilled or refurbished at end of life and/or;

    • suppliers of products and services who have demonstrated their commitment to reducing the environmental impact of their product or services.

  • Considering both the distance and method of transportation used to deliver goods to our facilities in purchasing decisions.

  • Communicating our environmental program to all stakeholders including employees, suppliers, customers, and the public and supporting all legislation that will drive our industry to become more environmentally sustainable.

  • Reporting to the Board not less than once per year and at such frequencies as it requests on the environmental sustainability status of our operations.

¹ ʻʼSummary - Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Geosynthetics versus Conventional Construction Materialsʼʼ (2011, revised 2019) Downloads | EAGM 2

² https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/09/scope-emissions-climate-greenhouse-business/