Health & safety policy

Health & safety policy

Occupational health and safety is a key priority for Solmax. As such, it strives to provide its employees and any other employees of outside firms working in our installations with safe working conditions, equipment and environment, and encourages and empowers employees to participate in preventing and eliminating workplace accidents and occupational diseases.

Solmax is committed to:

  • Making employee health and safety a priority that is included in every aspect of management;

  • Establishing, communicating and, with the participation of employees, ensuring compliance with safe work rules and methods that are appropriate to the workplace;

  • Promoting and increasing employees’ knowledge, participation and accountability;

  • Measuring its health and safety performance against established standards and communicating the outcome to employees;

  • Carrying out regular health and safety audits to confirm that its management practices abide by this policy’s objectives, legislation, and the principles of sound management;

  • Maintaining a health and safety committee in each of its plants

Workplace health and safety, product quality and efficient production cannot be dissociated. Solmax believes that management and employees must work closely together in implementing this policy, which contributes to employees’ health and safety and to the organization’s success.