MIRAFI® FWL super hydrophilic and anti-capillary barrier filtration geotextiles consist of a base woven structure designed with adequate permeability and engineered pore size to perform the soil filtration function in saturated soil conditions. The base structure incorporates super wicking yarns woven into the fabric as free loops that alternate across the fabric for rapid water absorption and conductance. The continuous loops are responsible for draining soil water effectively in unsaturated conditions, while the free loops on the soil side readily absorb soil water and quickly conduct through the fabric into the drainage below.
Key points:
Geosynthetic solutions for instant filtration and a low risk of clogging.
Super hydrophilic and anti-capillary barrier filtration geotextiles.
Consist of a base woven structure designed with adequate permeability.
Pore size engineered to filter soil in saturated conditions.
Woven super wicking yarns for rapid water absorption and conductance.
Continuous loops drain soil water effectively in unsaturated conditions.
Free loops absorb soil water which conducts through the fabric into the drainage below.
Separation and filtration