Shoreline protection and stabilization

Shoreline protection and stabilization

North America is losing soil faster than the natural replenishment rate due to erosion1. This means that valuable land including residential, commercial and agricultural property is being lost every year. Wind, rainfall, currents and waves are all natural factors that cause erosion and shoreline loss. Our innovative PROPEX® erosion control solutions stabilize earth and enable vegetative growth, one of the most effective ways to prevent erosion and sediment runoff from disturbed land. Additionally, our GEOTUBE® marine technologies are a proven, cost-effective method for a variety of shoreline protection and marine structure projects. Developed using input from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, this technology has been used to create sand dune cores, wetland habitats, jetties, dikes, groins and underwater structures. In these applications, GEOTUBE units provide permeable, mass-gravity structures that are durable and resistant to erosion.





Engineered woven geotextile tubes

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Surficial stabilization

GEOTUBE Marine TC1200

Engineered woven geotextile tubes

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Surficial stabilization

PROPEX Armormax

Engineered earth armoring system

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Surficial stabilization
Function icon - Anchoring
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement


Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRMs)

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement

PROPEX Pyramat 25

Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM)

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement

PROPEX Pyramat 75

High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mat (HPTRM)

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement

PROPEX Pyrawall

Engineered Wrap-Face Vegetated System

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement

PROPEX Scourlok

Engineered Bank Stabilization System

Function icon - Erosion control
Function icon - Surficial stabilization
Function icon - Anchoring
Function icon - Vegetation reinforcement
Function icon - Scour protection

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